Coconut Sorbet With Chipotle Spice Chocolate Syrup

Hot Chocolate. I can barely utter the words because the searing summer temperature is supposed to top 101 degrees today. The last thing I want is a steaming hot cup of sipping chocolate.

And yet…

Every time I open my pantry I find a little something staring back at me, taunting me: Theo Chocolate’s Chipotle Spice Sipping Chocolate.

The intriguing flavor combination from the Seattle chocolate company seemed like just the thing a few weeks ago when I visited the city, where the heavy clouds and cool air inspire you to do nothing more than curl up and indulge in something warm and comforting.

But back in the desert of New Mexico, I’m light years away from wanting “warm and comforting.” I’m looking for cool and refreshing, something to take the edge off the long, hot days.

One thing we’re good at in New Mexico is finding a way to put chile on virtually everything, from burgers to eggs to pastries and breads. So, why not sorbet? Better yet, why not Coconut Sorbet?

And so, Coconut Sorbet with Chipotle Spice Chocolate Syrup was born. If I could curl up inside this flavor combination, I’d never leave.

It’s like spicy, smoky chipotle powder and dark, moody chocolate met on a tropical island and fell in love. The sweet, summery delight of coconut hugged by the dark, rich, spicy surprise of the chocolate syrup is splendid. Best of all, the recipes are simple, require very little “stove time,” and leave you with enough Chipotle Spice Chocolate Syrup to drizzle on all sorts of other things.

Moral of the story? Don’t leave your sipping chocolate on the pantry shelf sadly waiting for cooler days. It wants out. It wants to be in sauces and sorbets and, who knows, maybe popsicles? It wants to break out of the “warm and comforting” mold and have a summer season too.

With just a little creativity, when the temperature rises, so does the potential for cool and refreshing chocolaty deliciousness.

Coconut Sorbet

2 15.5 oz cans coconut milk
2/3 cup sugar

(optional: chipotle powder and Theo Chipotle Spice Sipping Chocolate for garnish)

In a medium saucepan, combine the coconut milk and sugar. Cook over medium heat, until the sugar has dissolved. Remove from heat. Chill for a minimum of 3 hours. Pour mixture into ice cream maker and follow manufacturer’s instructions.

Theo Chocolate Chipotle Spice Chocolate Sauce
(Recipe adapted slightly from Brown Eyed Baker)

1/3 cup heavy cream
½ cup light corn syrup
¼ cup plus two tablespoons firmly packed brown sugar
1/8 cup Dutch processed cocoa powder
1/8 teaspoon sea salt
½ cup Theo Chipotle Spice Sipping Chocolate
1 tablespoon unsalted butter
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

Combine the heavy cream, corn syrup, brown sugar, cocoa powder, salt and ¼ cup of the Sipping Chocolate in a saucepan. Over medium heat, bring mixture to a boil, whisking occasionally. Reduce the heat to low and simmer for about five minutes.

Remove from heat and whisk in the butter, vanilla and remaining chocolate. Whisk until smooth. Cool slightly before using as ice cream topping.

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12 Responses to Coconut Sorbet With Chipotle Spice Chocolate Syrup

  1. CK Barlow says:

    Unspeakably yummy.

  2. Looks so delicious! I could so eat some right now.

  3. Lisa says:

    Divine, seeing these pics and reading your post I’d say, Coconut Sorbet With Chipotle Spice Chocolate Syrup is a truly gorgeous ‘reward’.

  4. Annie says:

    Humm….yumm…. I’ll be right over!

  5. Yummy! What a delicious sounding chocolate syrup! And I love coconut ice cream like that, I make mine almost exactly the same and it’s so good! Simple and perfect 🙂

  6. Jennifer says:

    Send some my way please. It’s slated to be 100 plus in Southern Arizona today!

    • Jennifer, it’s so easy to make! Even if you don’t have an ice cream maker, you could combine the ingredients and then freeze, stirring every hour or so until it freezes into a sorbet consistency. Or make popsicles! Good luck staying cool!

  7. Louise says:

    coconut is one of my favourite flavours! yum! youve got a beautiful blog here, fantastic pictures! I’ve nominated you for the versatile blogger awards, as your blog continues to impress me.

  8. Pingback: Vanilla-Bourbon Ice Cream with Cherries and Chocolate Swirl | Buried Carrots

  9. Pingback: Chipotle Chocolate Sorbet | Buried Carrots

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